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T O  K I L L  A  M O C K I N G B I R D    H O M E  

To Kill a Mockingbird is a faithful reproduction of Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.

The story is about dignity, tolerance, and the difficulties of growing up in rural Alabama during the depression year of 1935. It is told through the eyes of Scout, the tomboyish daughter of Atticus. She is fascinated with all of the people in this small town and she is full of questions to be asked of her widower father.

Director Melissa Williams staged a well-knit production where the drama unfolded seamlessly and the fragile tale came to an enchanting life.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT:  Circle Players’ aim is to promote public education appreciation and enjoyment of dramatic literature, stagecraft, fine arts and the theatre through the production of plays and by conducting other related activities.

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