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Circle Players selects its season through the annual Play Submission process. The process is open to anyone who has an interest in directing a stage play or musical for Circle Players. Ideally, directors should have experience with live theatrical productions in a community theatre operation, especially previous experience directing, assistant directing, or stage managing.


Candidates may submit a show title of their own choosing or provide a general submission about their interests and qualifications. All candidates must complete the Play Submission Form in order to be considered. Finalists will have a mandatory interview with the Play Selection Committee. The Committee is assembled each year and may be comprised of Circle Players' Board members, supporters, volunteers, and community theater advocates from the general public. The Committee manages the submission process, then makes recommendations to The Board for final approval.


Before submitting to direct, candidates should be familiar with Circle Players' mission and the characteristics of its recent seasons of shows. (Please review the PAST PRODUCTIONS page on this web site to learn more.) At this time, Circle Players limits productions to 4 or 5 per year due to venue access and availabilty.

For more information, email

OUR MISSION STATEMENT:  Circle Players’ aim is to promote public education appreciation and enjoyment of dramatic literature, stagecraft, fine arts and the theatre through the production of plays and by conducting other related activities.

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